About CombinedTyres

Over 30 Years

Supplying All Over WA

With stocked locations in Perth, Northam, Cunderdin and Merredin plus mobile fitting services, we supply tyres all over WA. We like to make life easier for our customers which is why we implemented our mobile service’s.

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All Major Brands

Being an independent distributer of all major brands, we are sure to be able to source the best and most cost-effective solution for your requirements.


Family Business

As a family run business, we are passionate about what we do as it’s an industry where experience and hard work matters.


Australian Owned

Combined Tyres is an Australian owned and operated Company that has been running for over 30 years. We understand the importance of minimising machinery downtime by using the right tyre for each application.

Combined Tyres

We Are A Team Of Industry Experts